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Maleficent Inspired Nail Art

Maleficent Inspired Nail Art

Ages school-age

Disney villains are the best villains around, and at my house, we love Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent. She's an evil witch that turns into a dragon, and her swirly purple, mint green, and black color combinations are perfect for a fantastic nail art design!.

More Nail Art Crafts:

Snow White Inspired Nail Art

How To Paint Neon Zebra Nails

by Holly Homer

What you'll need

  • Mint Green Nail Polish
  • Purple Nail Polish
  • Black Nail Polish
  • Fine Glitter Nail Polish
  • Toothpick
  • Fast Drying Top Coat

How to make it

Step 1

1. Start with a nail painted mint green. You want it to still be a little wet for the flame technique we are about to do.

Step 2

2. Now paint half of the bottom of your nail purple, make sure to use quite a bit of nail polish.

Step 3

3. Quickly paint the other half black.

Step 4

4. Take a toothpick and drag it through the purple and black to make the flames. You just want to draw long s shapes. Make sure not to go all the way to the top, or the black and purple will overpower the green.

Step 5

5. Be sure to drag some of the purple through the black, and the black through the purple to mix them up a bit.

6. When you're done, it will look a little messy, but that's okay-- we are going to fix it with glitter.

Step 7

7. Take your fine glitter polish and paint over the design. While it's still wet, paint a fast drying topcoat and your Maleficent Nail art design is done!
