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Kiddush Cups Craft

Kiddush Cups Craft

Total Time 1 hour Ages all-ages

Get kids excited about Passover before the Seder with these fun-to-make Kiddush Cups.

What you'll need

  • Cotton swabs
  • Small paintbrush
  • White craft glue
  • Multicolored craft gems
  • Small plastic wineglass
  • Mod-podge craft glue
  • Multicolored tissue paper

Helpful Tip:

Be careful to place the jewels and strips of multicolored paper well below the rim.


For a "stained glass" Kiddush cup, cut multicolored tissue paper into small pieces. Start at the outside midsection of the glass and glue on the pieces of the tissue paper, working down the stem toward the bottom of the glass. Completely cover the lower half of the glass with tissue paper. Use a paintbrush to cover the entire tissue-papered area with Mod-Podge and let it dry.

How to make it

  1. Use a small cotton swab to apply a small amount of glue to the back of each gem.
  2. Arrange and attach them around the outside of the wineglass and on the pedestal.
  3. Let the jewels dry.
