Total Time 1 hour Ages school-age
On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, apples represent the hope that the coming year will be sweet. Here's a fun magnet to make that will hold up artwork, keep track of school projects, or hold the all-important grocery list, all year long. This craft is also great for a National Teacher Day or back-to-school project. After all, apples and autumn go together like bacon and eggs! Make a few for the fridge today!
What you'll need
- Red craft foam
- White craft foam
- Green craft foam
- Brown chenille stick
- Brown marker
- White craft glue
- Round magnet
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Pattern
How to make it
- Trace the pattern onto red foam and cut out. Repeat this with white foam.
- Glue red foam to white foam with red on top. Use our photo as a guide.
- Cut out two leaves from the green foam and use white glue to attach them to the top of the apple, behind the red foam. Let the glue dry.
- Cut a two inch piece off the chenille stick and save the remainder for another project.
- Hot glue the chenille stick to the back of the foam apple, leaving about one inch showing from the front for the stem. Bend the top of the stem slightly.
- Use a brown marker to draw on a few seeds.
- Hot glue a magnet to the back and hang on the fridge!