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Apple Core Magnet Craft

Apple Core Magnet Craft

Total Time 1 hour Ages school-age

On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, apples represent the hope that the coming year will be sweet. Here's a fun magnet to make that will hold up artwork, keep track of school projects, or hold the all-important grocery list, all year long. This craft is also great for a National Teacher Day or back-to-school project. After all, apples and autumn go together like bacon and eggs! Make a few for the fridge today!

What you'll need

  • Red craft foam
  • White craft foam
  • Green craft foam
  • Brown chenille stick
  • Brown marker
  • White craft glue
  • Round magnet
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Pattern

How to make it

  1. Trace the pattern onto red foam and cut out. Repeat this with white foam.
  2. Glue red foam to white foam with red on top. Use our photo as a guide.
  3. Cut out two leaves from the green foam and use white glue to attach them to the top of the apple, behind the red foam. Let the glue dry.
  4. Cut a two inch piece off the chenille stick and save the remainder for another project.
  5. Hot glue the chenille stick to the back of the foam apple, leaving about one inch showing from the front for the stem. Bend the top of the stem slightly.
  6. Use a brown marker to draw on a few seeds.
  7. Hot glue a magnet to the back and hang on the fridge!
