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Sports Star Memory Board | Kids' Wall Décor

Sports Star Memory Board

Total Time Needed: 1-2 Hours

Why wait until your young athlete is all grown up to retire his number? This winning bulletin board provides a place of honor for the season's memorabilia--a cork Hall of Fame, if you will.


  • Sports T-shirt or uniform jersey
  • Craft knife
  • Cork panels (ours were 4 for $18 at our local office supply store)
  • Double-sided carpet tape
  • Thumbtacks


Sports Star Memory Board - Step 1

1. Choose an outgrown sports T-shirt or uniform jersey, trace its outline on a large piece of cardboard, and cut out the shape with a craft knife (parents only).

Sports Star Memory Board - Step 2

2. Cover the entire cardboard shape with cork panels, using double-sided carpet tape to secure the cork. The cork won't fit exactly, so trim the excess with a craft knife or scissors, then use the scrap pieces and more tape to fill in the sleeves.

3. Decide which side of the jersey you'd like to display and cut the shirt down the middle of the other side (as shown at left). Stretch the jersey taut around the cork form and use thumbtacks and more carpet tape to affix the cut opening to the back of the cardboard.


For extra points, pin your memorabilia with Fun Tacks made from sports-themed beads or buttons.
