This little polar bird makes a handsome tabletop decoration for the holiday season.
- Egg carton
- Uncooked rice
- Masking tape
- Black paint
- White paint
- Craft glue
- Googly eyes
- Orange felt
- Red felt
- White pom-pom
- Mini rickrack trim
- Orange pipe cleaner
- Cardboard
- White cotton
1. To hatch one, begin by filling a cup cut from an egg carton with uncooked rice, top it with a second cup (turned upside down), and secure them together with masking tape.
2. Paint the cups black, and once they are dry, paint a white oval on the front. Use craft glue to attach 2 googly eyes and an orange felt beak.
3. For a hat, glue a 41⁄2- by 11⁄2-inch piece of felt around the top of the head. Glue closed the top of the hat, then glue on a white pom-pom and a strand of mini rickrack trim.
4. Bend an orange pipe cleaner into feet and glue it to the bottom of the body. Give your penguin a snowy roost by gluing him to a 3-inch cardboard circle covered with white cotton.