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Homemade School Supplies: Study Buddies

Study Buddies

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Your kids will know their pens and markers are in good hands with one of these colorful desktop holders: standing guard over the stash is a familiar and friendly face.


  • 20-gauge wire (about 5 feet)
  • Fabric, cut into strips, about 1 inch wide and 18 inches long (we used 6 strips of one color for the shirt and 6 of another for the pants)
  • Craft glue
  • Photograph of your child (or a color photocopy) in which the face image is 3 to 4 inches long
  • Foam can holder


Study Buddies - Step 1

1. For each study buddy, form a 10-inch-wide wire loop for the arms, as shown.

Study Buddies - Step 2

2. Pinch the middle of the loop and wrap the trailing wire around the center 3 times.

Study Buddies - Step 3

3. With the trailing wire, form a similar loop for the legs about 4 inches down from the arms. Wrap the trailing wire around the center of the legs. Then bring it up and wrap it around the center of the arms once again.

Study Buddies - Step 4

4. Form a loop for the head, using a photograph of your child as a guide for size. Secure the loop by twisting it 360 degrees at the base. Then wrap the trailing wire around the arms 3 times, and trim off the excess. Twist the ends of the arms and legs to shape hands and feet.

Study Buddies - Step 5

5. To dress the figure, wrap strips of cloth around the wires, using one color for the arms and torso and another for the legs. Start each strip by slipping an end between the wires. When done, secure the loose ends with glue.

Study Buddies - Step 6

6. Glue the head loop to the back of the photograph. Once it's dry, use scissors to trim around the face. Finally, anchor the study buddy in place by bending the limbs around the foam cup.
