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Camp Diorama Box Craft

Camp Diorama Box Craft

Total Time 1 hour Ages school-age

Recycle any snack or cracker box into this fun miniature version of a campsite. Let your imagination steer the way!

by Amanda Formaro

What you'll need

  • Cardboard box (snack crackers, cereal, etc)
  • Acrylic paint: black and light blue
  • Green felt
  • Twigs
  • Spanish moss
  • Dirt or sand
  • Cardstock or construction paper
  • Tissue paper: red, orange, yellow
  • Plastic ferns
  • White craft glue
  • Scissors

Helpful Tip:

1. This craft is rated for older children simply because of the small details used. You can make this craft more suitable for smaller kids by using a larger box and larger pieces. 2. Instead of a tent, create a cabin using craft sticks and hot glue. 3. Create a creek instead of a walking path using blue construction paper or blue cellophane.

Paper Egg Diorama

How to make it

Camp Diorama Box step 1

1. Cut the flaps off of the box. (See photo.)

Camp Diorama Box step 2

2. Cut the front off of the box, leaving a ½" wide lip.

Camp Diorama Box step 3

3. Lay box down on its remaining large side. Paint the sides and lip of the box with black paint.

Camp Diorama Box step 4

4. Paint the sides on the inside of the box light blue. (See photo.)

5. Cut a piece of green felt to fit on the floor of your diorama. Glue the felt in place.

6. Cut a rectangle from cardstock or construction paper and fold in half to make a tent. Glue to the felt.

Camp Diorama Box step 7

7. Break twigs into small pieces. Glue some in a stack by the tent and create a campfire with several others. (See photo.)

Camp Diorama Box step 8

8. Use some larger twigs to create trees along the side of the box opposite your tent. Use a generous amount of glue and some glue along the lip, it will dry clear.

9. Line the base of your "trees" with Spanish moss.

10. Cut the tops of the plastic fern plants to create pine trees. Glue them along the light blue sides of your diorama.

11. Pipe a thick line of white glue along the front of the diorama to create a walking path. Smooth it a bit with your finger. Immediately sprinkle dirt or sand onto the glue and tap off the excess. You can use a dry paintbrush to clean up any remaining dirt.

12. Allow everything to dry completely and display!
