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Dragons on Parade Craft

Dragons on Parade Craft

Total Time 1 hour

What Chinese New Years is complete without colorful dragons on parade? Print out our printable pattern and create a Chinese dragon using our instructions.

Download Dragons on Parade  Template

What you'll need

  • Tempera paints, in colors desired
  • Paint Brushes
  • Wide crepe paper or streamers (at least 3 1/2" x 3')
  • Scissors
  • Markers or crayons to decorate the head
  • Heavy paper (1" x 7")
  • Stapler
  • Printed pattern

Helpful Tip:

Choose crepe paper colors associated with Chinese New Year, like red and gold.

How to make it

  1. To make the body of the dragon, cut a strip of wide crepe paper 3 1/3 - 4" wide and between 3 and 6 ft long (3 ft for preschoolers, longer for bigger kids).
  2. Have the child dab an assortment of spots and lines on the crepe paper with a paintbrush. Let dry. If desired, hang the crepe paper on a clothesline or some place so it can dry.
  3. Print one Dragon Head for each dragon: Pattern (90 dpi)
  4. Color the dragon head as you wish.
  5. Cut out the dragon head.
  6. Staple the handle across the back of the head (made from a 1x7" piece of sturdy paper).
  7. Staple the wide body strip of crepe paper to the back of the dragon head (once it is dry!).
  8. Grab the handle with one hand and hold your dragon high.
  9. Have a dragon parade! Give the kids lots of room to make their dragons dance!
