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Wicked Witch Puppet Craft

Wicked Witch Puppet Craft

Total Time 1 hour Ages all-ages

Let your kids enjoy some real "witchcraft" and create this fun puppet.

What you'll need

  • Knit Glove
  • Paper
  • Yarn
  • Toothpick
  • Glue
  • Scissors

How to make it

  1. Cut off a finger of a knit glove.
  2. Draw the witch's face on a piece of paper and then glue it onto the knit finger.
  3. Glue on twisted-yarn hair.
  4. For the witch's hat, cut out a black paper donut shape and a black paper fan. Curl the fan into a cone and tape the edges. Place the bottom of the cone into the hole of the other black paper. Secure it with glue and then trim with red yarn.
  5. Create her broom with a fringed square of yellow paper glued onto a toothpick. Stick it through the glove finger, and she's off.
