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Denim MP3 Player Holder Craft

Denim MP3 Player Holder Craft

Total Time 1 hour

Make this great holder to carry a personal MP3 player (like an iPod or Zune) or cell phone. It makes a fun present for Father's Day, Mother's Day, or an older sibling's birthday. Whatever the occasion, this makes a great gift.

by Amanda Formaro

What you'll need

  • Old pair of blue jeans
  • Permanent fabric glue
  • Scissors
  • Velcro dot

Helpful Tip:

1. Personalize this craft by adding gem stones, sequins, sports items and more. 2. This pocket is large enough to fit a cell phone but be sure to check the width of the item you want to put in here before gluing. 3. Hot glue can be used for this project however it will not be as sturdy as fabric glue. Be prepared to fix it when needed.

How to make it

  1. Cut out the pocket from a pair of jeans. Leave the jean backing on the pocket as that's what will hold your phone.
  2. Cut out the mini pocket from the front of the jeans.
  3. Trim the edges around the outside of the pockets so that when you look at it they appear nice and neat.
  4. Fold the sides of the large pocket to the back and glue in place. You will most likely have to place something heavy on top of it so that it will dry in place. Try a stack of books or a brick.
  5. Glue one side of the Velcro to the back side of the small pocket at the point.
  6. Glue the large end of the mini pocket to the backside of the large pocket to create the closing flap.
  7. When those are dry, glue the other side of the Velcro to the outside of the large pocket, lining it up with the small pocket flap.
