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No-Sew Tutu | No-sew Projects

No-Sew Tutu

Total Time Needed: 1-2 Hours

Ages: 2 years and up

Packaged rolls of tulle (available in the wedding aisle of many craft stores) make this dress-up darling a cinch to fashion. Simply tie snipped strips to an elastic band for a fancy-dance accessory that's just right for ballet class or an after-dinner show.


  • Elastic headband or a piece of elastic cut to fit your child's waist, with the ends tied together
  • 2 (6-inch-wide) rolls of colorful tulle
  • Satin ribbon (optional)


No-Sew Tutu Step 1

1. To start, stretch the elastic band around a pot or wide book. Cut a 14-inch length of tulle from each roll. Stack the two pieces and tie them onto the elastic band as shown. Continue adding strips in this way until the elastic band is covered.

2. Have your child try on the tutu. Add more tulle, if necessary, then even out the ends with scissors, if needed. For an even more fanciful look, we tied on about a dozen 15-inch lengths of satin ribbon.

3. Mini-Me Tutu: Follow the directions above, using a smaller elastic band or hair tie and 10-inch-long strips of tulle. Add lengths of ribbon, if desired.
