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Craft: Mayflower Hats

Craft: Mayflower Hats

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Not only are these holiday hats a boatload of fun for your kids to wear, they're also a reminder of the historic voyage the Pilgrims had to take before they sat down to their Thanksgiving feast in 1621.


  • Blue poster board
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • White paper
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Orange or brown poster board
  • Pushpins
  • Paper fastener
  • Masking tape
  • Red paper
  • Glue
  • Paper clips


  1. To make each ship chapeau, cut a 28- by 7-inch headband from blue poster board. Draw and cut wave patterns approximately 2 inches deep along the top and bottom edges. Fold up the bottom waves so they point outward.
  2. Cut two white paper sails, one slightly larger than the other, and thread them onto a pipe cleaner. Cut a boat shape (ours was about 10 inches wide and 4 inches high) from orange or brown poster board and tape the bottom of the pipe cleaner mast to the back.
  3. With a pushpin, make a hole near the bottom center of the boat and another in the front center of the headband, just above the folded waves. Attach the boat to the waves with a paper fastener. Fold the fastener tips snugly against the inside of the headband and cover them with masking tape. Wrap the base of a red paper triangle flag around the top of the mast and glue it in place.
  4. Finally, fit the hat around your child's head and secure it with paper clips.
