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Pumpkinhead Pencil | Halloween Decorations

Pumpkinhead Pencil

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Looking for something other than candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters? Make a batch of jack-o'-lantern pencil pals.


  • Large wooden beads (if you cannot find an orange one, you can paint a plain one) with an opening big enough to accommodate the end of a pencil)
  • Pencils
  • Fine-point permanent black marker
  • Tape


  1. Use a permanent black marker to draw a jack-o'-lantern face on the bead.
  2. When the ink has dried, slide the bead over the pencil's eraser.
  3. If the bead's opening is slightly larger than the pencil, wrap tape around the eraser for a snug fit.
