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Popcorn Cupcakes Recipe

Popcorn Cupcakes Recipe

Grab your favorite movie and pop up some fun with these popcorn cupcakes.


  • 1 baked cupcake
  • White icing
  • 40 mini marshmallows (white or pastel yellow and white)
  • Yellow food coloring (optional)
  • Clean paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • White construction paper
  • Blue and red markers


  1. Frost the cupcake with white icing. To create each piece of "popcorn," cut one mini marshmallow in half and squish the two pieces back together into a whole mini marshmallow, pinching firmly. Pile the finished popcorn onto the frosted cupcake.
  2. For a buttery look, either dilute a drop of yellow food coloring in water and brush it on with a clean paintbrush or mix pastel yellow marshmallows in with the white.
  3. To make the band, cut a strip of construction paper about 1 1/4 inches by 8 inches, or to fit your cupcake, and decorate as shown.
  4. If you're creating many cupcakes, design just one band and color photocopy it. Wrap the band around the cupcake and secure with tape.
