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Valentine's Day Craft: Cracker Box Locker

Cracker Box Locker

Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours

Just like the real deal, this cool cardboard locker can be spruced up with stickers and tiny posters. (Ours holds valentines instead of math books, however.)


  • Empty cracker box, such as a saltine box
  • Double-sided tape
  • Silver paper
  • Craft knife
  • Black marker
  • Small white button
  • Larger black button
  • Card stock
  • Dymo label maker (optional)


Use double-sided tape to cover the box with silver paper; be generous with the tape on the side of the box where the door will be cut.

Use a craft knife (a parent's job) to cut a door on the front of the locker. Cut a mail slot on the top of the box, if desired.

Use a black marker to embellish the front of the box with vents, a handle, and other details.

The padlock is a small white button affixed with glue to a larger black button, the pennant is card stock, and our "2009" label was made with a Dymo label maker.
