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Apple and Cheese Stuffed Crescents Recipe

Apple and Cheese Stuffed Crescents Recipe

This is an "I made it with the kids" recipe. The kids have fun creating fillings for canned crescent rolls and helping roll them. We have filled the ham and cheese before and that worked out well. This time we tried something different. We filled our crescent rolls with apples and cheese. Its a simple snack but fun to make and tasty to eat.  

What you need:

  • 1 can of crescent rolls
  • 1 sliced apple (we used a green apple)
  • A few slices of cheese (I think we used cheddar or yellow American)

What you do:

Unroll the dough place a few slices of apples and cheese on the dough and roll up. Bake according to package directions.

These are very hot when they first come out so be sure to let them cool a bit before biting into them.

Posted by Danielle Miller
