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Banana Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

Banana Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

A short article on smoothies and several accompanying recipes caught my eye and not too long after, I was in the kitchen making one for breakfast.

I went with the banana breakfast smoothie first because it was the only one for which I had all of the ingredients on hand. It’s really simple – a frozen ripe banana, milk, ice, nutmeg, honey and some Greek yogurt. I only made half of the recipe so I used a small banana as opposed to the large one the recipe calls for. I have a huge bag of ripe bananas in my freezer that I’ve saved for baking so I grabbed one of those, let it defrost just a bit until I could peel it then dropped it in the blender. This smoothie was delicious and very creamy! It’s definitely going to be a repeat here (especially if I don’t start baking with those frozen bananas soon – they take up a lot of valuable freezer space!). That said, I also can’t wait to try the others in the magazine, especially the one that combines peaches and mangoes – yum!

Banana Breakfast Smoothie

By Tracey

Banana Breakfast Smoothie

from Cooking Light


  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • 1/2 cup crushed ice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 frozen sliced ripe large banana
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt (I used nonfat)


Combine milk, ice, honey, nutmeg and the banana in a blender. Press the top on tightly then process for 2 minutes or until smooth. Add the yogurt and process just until blended. I grated a bit of extra nutmeg on top for garnish, but that’s obviously optional. Serve!

Yield: about 2 cups 
