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Kara parshad (Wheat Seera) Recipe

Kara parshad (Wheat Seera) Recipe

Kara parshad or Gur parshad is a sweet creamy delicious wheat pudding that is offered at gurdwaras as a blessing.

Since Sindhis have always been influenced by Sikhism, this parshad has featured through out my life at home, in the gurdwara and has marked all special occasions. Mom made this at home on birthdays, anniversaries, any auspicious day at all; I would come home from school to find the yummy parshad in the steel bowls and jal (water mixed with a little sugar) waiting to be devoured. My Nani would send this parshad over on Chand (New Moon day) and the steel dabbas (containers) would be placed on the lunch table along with the chapatti, dal and veggies.

This is the first food I cooked after getting married in my new home. The first food my babies tasted when they were ready to start on their solid meals. This is the prashad now I make on all the birthdays, anniversaries and auspicious days. To me it signifies traditions, blessings, strength and a lot of memories.

Perhaps it should’ve been the first recipe here on the blog too but better late than never!

Here is how you make it. The quantities are given by my mom. It’s literally fool proof.

You can always increase or decrease the quantities; just remember equal quantities of ghee, atta and sugar; it's the water that needs to be 3 times more.

Some people like to add suji (semolina) in varying quantities to make the parshad a little stiffer- from a tablespoon to more. I usually like to make it with only atta (wheat).

North Indians often refer to it as seera or halwa and serve it as a dessert with chopped nuts (usually almonds and pistachios) for a garnish.

Kara parshad (Wheat Seera)

By Bharti


  • ½ cup ghee or more (use butter with a tablespoon of oil if you don’t have ghee)
  • ½ heaped cup atta (Indian style wheat flour)
  • 1 tablespoon suji (semolina)-optional
  • ½ cup leveled sugar
  • 1 ½ cups water


In a heavy based pot, warm the ghee till melted. Add the atta and mix on low heat. The consistency needs to be runny (don’t scrimp on the ghee or butter). Keep stirring for about 7-8 minutes or till the atta starts getting brown and fragrant. When the atta is a dark brown, add the water and sugar. At this point it will look watery and nothing like a seera. Don't worry, the magic is about to happen. Raise the heat. Keep stirring and the mixture will leave the sides of the pot and come together. Serve warm or at room temperature.
