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Homemade Hot Fudge in 99 seconds

Homemade Hot Fudge in 99 seconds

By Jaime

I’ll never buy hot fudge in a jar again. Making your own from scratch is ridiculously simple to make and less expensive than a gourmet jar of hot fudge.

Since this is actually a recipe for chocolate ganache, you will be able to use it for all kinds of things. You can refrigerate it, scoop it out, and roll it in cocoa powder  to make truffles. You can pour it over a cake for a flawlessly glossy icing.  You can refrigerate it in a cake pan and slice it for the most sinful chocolate cake you’ve ever had—Endless possibilities!

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Homemade Hot Fudge


  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 1/4 cups best quality chocolate chips (I used 3/4 cup semisweet and 1/2 cup milk chocolate—Guittard or Ghiradelli work best)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


1. In a microwave safe bowl, heat cream to almost boiling, about 60 seconds. Pour in chocolate chips and vanilla. Allow to rest for 35 seconds, or long enough for the chips to start melting. Whisk until chocolate is smooth and glossy.

Homemade Hot Fudge

2. Serve over ice cream immediately, or refrigerate for later. To reheat, microwave on high for 10* seconds at time, stirring after each interval until ganache is smooth wand shiny again.
