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"Cheezy Kale Chip-Flavored" Kale Side Dish

"Cheezy Kale Chip-Flavored" Kale Side Dish

By Kathypatalsky

If you have tried kale chips and realized that they are delicious, addictive and happily quite healthy, this side dish is for you! Cheezy kale chips have a dry cheezy texture with bold savory flavor, and now you can bring those flavors to the dinner table. So if you are looking to add more kale to your meals without tossing kale chips on your plate, here is a super easy and delicious recipe for Cheezy Kale Chip-Flavored Kale. Just two main ingredients with a few optional accents to enhance the flavor…

This recipe uses frozen kale so that you can easily whip up this yummy side dish when you are in need of something green, delicious and healthy on your plate!..

Cheezy Kale Chip-Flavored Kale Side Dish

vegan, serves 4


  • 3 cups frozen kale (Tuscan kale from Trader Joe’s used) – thawed
  • 1/2 – 2/3 cups nutritional yeast
  • 1 lemon, squeezed (optional)
  • a few pinches of salt
  • a dash of pepper (and any other spices you may want to try – garlic powder, chipotle powder and more)


1. Turn oven to 400 degrees.

2. Add the ingredients to a medium-sized, oven friendly dish. Toss well. The frozen kale should be somewhat wet so will easily soak up the dry nutritional yeast flakes.

3. Bake at 400 degrees for about 20-30 minutes or until the kale becomes caramelized and dry on the top layer creating a kale chip-flavored crust on your kale bake.

4. Serve by scooping onto serving plates. You can add a pat of vegan butter or drizzle of olive oil over top if you’d like.
