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Polka Dot Treat Cups Craft

Polka Dot Treat Cups Craft

Total Time 1 hour

by Amanda Formaro

What you'll need

  • 5 (8-ounce) foam cups
  • White duct tape
  • Easter grass
  • Craft paint: pink, light green, yellow, purple, light blue
  • Tools: paintbrush, craft knife, cutting mat

How to make it

Polka Dot Treat Cups step 1

1. Paint the rim of each cup using the different colors of paint. Add polka dots to the outside of the cups using a circular motion with the handle end of a paintbrush. 

Polka Dot Treat Cups step 2

2. Measure and cut a 14-inch piece of white duct tape. Lay the tape sticky side up and fold the full length of the tape one-third up to the center and stick it to itself. Take the other long edge (remaining sticky side) and tape it up onto the center of the strip. This will create a 14-inch long handle for your cup. Repeat this for each cup.

Polka Dot Treat Cups step 3

3. Make sure that each cup is dry before attaching the handles. Use additional tape to attach the handles to the inside of the cups. Fill with Easter grass and add a colored egg. 
