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Chinese Orange Tray Craft

Chinese Orange Tray Craft

Total Time 1 hour Ages school-age

During the celebration of Chinese New Year, oranges and tangerines are displayed in trays or bowls. Tangerines are symbolic of good luck and oranges represent wealth. Make your own tray of oranges to share good luck with your whole family!

by Amanda Formaro

What you'll need

  • Styrofoam bowl
  • Red and orange paint
  • Gold glitter glue
  • Styrofoam balls, 6 small, 6 large

Helpful Tip:

1. You can substitute the Styrofoam balls with pom poms.

2. To quickly paint the Styrofoam balls, place them all on a paper plate and squirt inexpensive poster paint all over them. Roll them around in the paint. Once coated you can use a paint brush to remove the excess paint and transfer them to another plate to dry.

3. Styrofoam balls are available in the craft department by the wreaths.

How to make it

  1. Paint the entire bowl red and let dry.
  2. Paint the Styrofoam balls orange and let dry.
  3. When bowl is dry, decorate the edges with gold glitter glue.
  4. When the Styrofoam balls are dry, add to the bowl, glue in place if desired.
