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China Town Charm Necklace Craft

China Town Charm Necklace Craft

China Town was once a magical place where residents, such as China Girl, set up house in ornate porcelain teapots and sugar bowls. In tribute to the way things once were, this miniature clay replica is sure to charm Oz fans.

by Cindy Littlefield

What you'll need

  • Polymer clay, white and blue
  • ½-inch-wide plastic or metal end cap (or similar object for stamping a circle in the clay)
  • Toothpick
  • Small baking pan or tray covered with aluminum foil
  • Blue acrylic craft paint
  • Small paintbrush
  • Thin jewelry chain or cord

How to make it

China Town Charm Necklace step 1

1. Roll a piece of white polymer clay into a ¾-inch ball. Push down on the ball very lightly to slightly flatten the top. Then use the end cap to stamp a very shallow circle in the clay, as shown.

China Town Charm Necklace step 2

2. Use bits of white clay to shape a ½-inch-long teapot spout and a very thin (about 1/8 inch thick) inch-long cylinder to use for the teapot handle. Use the tip of a toothpick to make a shallow hole in the pouring end of the spout, as shown.

China Town Charm Necklace step 3

3. Attach the spout and handle to the teapot, using the rounded side of the toothpick to gently stick and blend the ends of the clay ball.

China Town Charm Necklace step 4

4. Flatten a bit of blue clay to about 1/8 inch thick and then use the end cap to cut a ½-inch circle from it for the teapot base. Lightly press the base onto the bottom of the teapot.

China Town Charm Necklace step 5

5. For the teapot lid, first use the end cap to cut a 1/8-inch-thick circle from white clay. Then press down on the circle to make it a little thinner and slightly wider than the end cap. Next, use bits of blue and white clay to shape two successively smaller circles, as well as a tiny ball for a knob.

China Town Charm Necklace step 6

6. Stack the lid pieces, as shown, pressing down slightly on each layer just enough to stick it in place.

China Town Charm Necklace step 7

7. Lightly press the lid atop the pot. Bake the assembled teapot according to the clay manufacturer’s directions. Then allow it to cool completely.

8. For the finishing touch, paint on a door and a complementary floral design. Once the paint is dry, you can turn the teapot into a pendant by simply threading a thin necklace chain or cord through the handle. (Note: When you’re done, discard the aluminum foil — do not reuse if for cooking.)
