Ages 9 to 12
What you'll need
- About 30" of leather lacing or suede cord
- 7 pony beads of your primary color
- 1 pony bead of your contrast color for the center
- Glue (optional)
How to make it
- Fold the lacing in half and hold on to the folded end.
- Push on 2 blue beads on the folded end. Leave a small amount of lacing below the blue beads.
- Put one blue bead on each piece of the leather lacing (from the other end).
- Push on the remainder (3) of the blue beads onto the leather lacing on both strings.
- Tie the two ends of the leather lacing together in a knot.
- Push 2 of the blue beads towards the knot. (see photo)
- Push the other blue bead that is on both strings towards the beads that are individually strung.
- Place a white bead sideways (open ends between the 2 blue beads) and then push the double strung blue bead down until it tightens the necklace to hold the white bead in place.
- You may add glue if you wish to hold the white bead in.