Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours
Turn your child's team shirt into a postseason souvenir that she can enjoy all year long.
- T-shirt, prewashed
- Scissors and pinking shears
- Square preformed pillow (ours was 12 inches)
- Cotton fabric, prewashed (optional)
- Iron-on adhesive (we used HeatnBond UltraHold)
- Iron
1. From the front or back of the shirt, cut a square at least 3 inches larger than the pillow. Cut another square the same size from the cotton fabric (or from the other side of the T-shirt).
2. Line the edges of the back of one square with strips of adhesive and iron them in place according to the package directions.
3. Remove the paper backing from 3 strips, lay the other fabric square on top (right side out), and iron together the edges.
4. Insert the pillow, remove the paper backing from the last strip, and iron together the open edges. For a decorative finish, trim the edges of the pillow with pinking shears.