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Summer Craft: Sponge Ball Square Arms

Summer Craft: Sponge Ball Square Arms

Here's a reusable alternative to a summer favorite, the water balloon: colorful, multi-tentacled sponge balls.



  • 3 plain kitchen sponges
  • Scissors
  • Strong string
  • Bucket


Sponge Ball Square Arms - Step 1

1. For each ball, you'll need 3 plain kitchen sponges fresh from the package and still slightly damp. Use scissors to cut each sponge lengthwise into 5 strips about a half-inch wide. Stack the strips as shown.

2. Loop a piece of strong string around the center of the stack and pull tightly. Double-knot the string and trim the excess.

3. For a fast cool-off game, have two players stand a few feet apart, each beside a bucket of water. See how many times they can toss the ball back and forth, taking a step apart and dunking the ball in a bucket before each throw.
