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Royal Crown Craft

Royal Crown

Show friends, family, and teachers you think they're tops by sending them a wearable, custom-fit crown.


  • Card stock (assorted colors)
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Crown template
  • Glue dots
  • Sequins
  • Double-sided tape


Royal Crown step 1

1. From a 12- by 12-inch sheet of card stock, create a 6- by 24-inch strip by cutting and taping as shown.

Royal Crown step 2

2. Fold the strip in half along the center crease, plain side facing out. With a pencil, trace our crown template as shown. Cut along the lines.

3. Use glue dots to attach sequins (cut a sequin in half if it falls across a fold).

Royal Crown step 4

4. Write a message inside. Attach a 4-inch-long piece of double-sided tape to one end. Cover the exposed, sticky side with another piece of double sided tape (sticky sides together). Add instructions telling the recipient to peel off the tape backing to fit the crown to her head. Fold the crown in quarters before sliding it into your envelope.



  • You're a real prince.
  • Thanks for the royal treatment.
  • You're Queen/king for the Day!
