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Thanksgiving Crafts: Tiny Toms

Tiny Toms

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

This is one turkey that won't get eaten this Thanksgiving. Your kids can make a flock to decorate the dinner table -- or for all the kid guests to take home as favors.


  • Yellow and red felt
  • Tacky glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Brown pom-poms
  • Pinecones
  • Pipe cleaners


  1. For each turkey, cut out a yellow beak and a red wattle from felt. Then glue the beak, wattle, and a pair of googly eyes onto a pom-pom to create the turkey's head.
  2. Glue the pom-pom head to the tip of a pinecone. Allow the glue to dry.
  3. Wrap a pipe cleaner around the middle of the turkey's cone body, starting from the top and twisting it together a few times on the underside. Separate the ends of the pipe cleaner (below the twists) and bend each tip into a 3-toed foot.
  4. For the turkey's tail, individually wrap 3 or 4 pipe cleaners around the back of the pinecone, starting from the underside and twisting them together a few times on the top of the pinecone to secure them. Then loop both ends of each pipe cleaner to shape tail feathers.
