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Study Pillow | Workspace Crafts

Study Pillow

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

This lap-size cushion does double duty: right side up, it's a plush headrest; flipped over, it provides a flat, cloth-covered "desktop" for a child to write on in a notebook or journal.


  • Craft knife
  • Foam board (sold in office supply stores)
  • Oversized kitchen towel, about 18 by 26 inches
  • Pillow, 12 by 16 inches (sold in fabric stores)
  • Straight pins
  • Paintbrush and fabric glue


1. Use a craft knife to cut a 10- by 14-inch rectangle from the foam board (a parent's job).

Study Pillow - Step 2

2. Place the towel right side down on a flat surface and center the piece of foam board on top of it. Set the pillow atop the board.

Study Pillow - Step 3

3. Fold the towel around the pillow and board, as if wrapping a present, and pin all the edges in place.

Study Pillow - Step 4

4. Adhere the overlapped edges by removing several pins at a time and using a paintbrush to apply fabric glue to that area before repinning the section. When the glue is completely dry, remove all the pins, and the pillow is ready to use.
