Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours
Kids are sure to flip over this clever summertime tee.
- Paper-backed fusible web (we used HeatnBond UltraHold)
- Iron
- Cotton fabric
- Pencil or marker
- Scissors
- Prewashed cotton T-shirt
- Ribbon
1. Start with a strip of paper-backed fusible web large enough to trace a pair of sandals onto. Iron it onto the back of a piece of cotton fabric. Trace the sandal soles onto the paper backing, as shown, then cut out the shapes.
2. Peel the backing from the shapes and stick them on the front of a prewashed cotton T-shirt. To fuse them to the shirt, iron them according to the directions on the fusible web package.
3. For each sandal strap, hand-stitch the center of a 9-inch piece of ribbon to the front of the sandal, as shown. Fold under the ends of the ribbons and stitch them in place along the sides of the sandals.