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Shoes on Shirts Required | T-Shirt Decorations

Shoes on Shirts Required

Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours

Kids are sure to flip over this clever summertime tee.


  • Paper-backed fusible web (we used HeatnBond UltraHold)
  • Iron
  • Cotton fabric
  • Pencil or marker
  • Scissors
  • Prewashed cotton T-shirt
  • Ribbon


Shoes on Shirts Required - Step 1

1. Start with a strip of paper-backed fusible web large enough to trace a pair of sandals onto. Iron it onto the back of a piece of cotton fabric. Trace the sandal soles onto the paper backing, as shown, then cut out the shapes.

Shoes on Shirts Required - Step 2

2. Peel the backing from the shapes and stick them on the front of a prewashed cotton T-shirt. To fuse them to the shirt, iron them according to the directions on the fusible web package.

Step 3 - Shoes on Shirts Required

3. For each sandal strap, hand-stitch the center of a 9-inch piece of ribbon to the front of the sandal, as shown. Fold under the ends of the ribbons and stitch them in place along the sides of the sandals.
