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Pocket Scarf | Homemade Scarves

Pocket Scarf

Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours

This fuzzy fleece wrap has a bonus feature: a pair of pockets that double as hand warmers.


  • Piece of fleece (ours is 60 inches long an 8 inches wide)
  • Embroidery floss and sewing needle
  • 3 buttons
  • Scissors


Pocket Scarf step 1

1. Fold the ends of the scarf, lining them up with the sides, as shown.

Pocket Scarf - Step 2

2. Use a whipstitch to sew along the sides, creating two triangular pockets.

Pocket Scarf - Step 3

3. Sew a button just inside the center of each pocket. Cut a corresponding buttonhole above each, as shown.

Pocket Scarf - Step 4

4. Add a third button to the outside corner of one of the pockets, sewing through both layers of fleece. Cut its buttonhole in the opposite pocket, snipping through both layers. You can use this button to secure your scarf in place.
