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New Year's Card | Kids' Painting Ideas

New Year's Card

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Rosh Hashanah, which in 2008 falls on September 29, begins the celebration of the Jewish New Year. Ring in the year 5769 with a card expressing a traditional wish: Shana Tova Umetukah, or "a good and sweet year." A cheery pomegranate, whose numerous seeds are said to symbolize the 613 Jewish commandments, adds to the card's sweet sentiment.


  • Blank card
  • Letter stamps
  • Red paint
  • Plastic lid or paper plate
  • Cotton swab


  1. Use letter stamps to spell out the words on a blank card. Pour red paint into a plastic lid or paper plate and use a cotton swab to paint the outer circle, crown, and end of the pomegranate. Then use the swab to fill the inside of the circle with dots of red paint.
