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Holiday Card: The Year in Pictures

The Year in Pictures

Total Time Needed: Afternoon Or Evening

This simple and fun greeting, inspired by a card sent to us by the Alexander family of Marion, Ohio, treats friends and family to an "I spy" display of the events of the last 12 months.


  • A collection of items that represent what your family did over the past year
  • Holiday decorations
  • Family photos
  • #9 or #10 business envelopes


  1. Gather your items, such as ballet slippers for a dance recital, a trophy for a winning season, or a mini house for a move to a new home. Assemble the collection, along with festive holiday decorations and family photos, and take a picture of it.
  2. Using a word processing program, compose a greeting that includes a list of what to look for in the photo. If you have a digital camera, insert your photo above the text and print out the page. If you're using a snapshot, leave room at the top, print the page, then tape or glue on the picture. Print or color-copy as many as you need.
