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Thanksgiving Craft: Colorful Turkey Caddy

Colorful Turkey Caddy

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Add a touch of color - and order - to the kids' table with this clever marker holder. To inspire holiday artwork, use plain white butcher paper as a tablecloth, or just supply a few sheets of paper.


  • Bread knife or fine-toothed saw
  • Styrofoam ball (ours was 7 inches in diameter)
  • Brown acrylic paint and brush
  • Scissors
  • Card stock
  • Glue dots
  • Googly eyes


Colorful Turkey Caddy - Step 1

1. Using the bread knife or saw, cut the Styrofoam ball in half. Paint it brown and let it dry. Cut out a card stock beak and snood, and use glue dots to attach them, along with googly eyes, to a card stock head. Use more glue dots to attach the head to the ball.

2. Make holes in the Styrofoam with the ends of the markers, pressing each straight down about an inch deep.
