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Sherbet the Frog Recipe

Sherbet the Frog Recipe

This cool amphibian-inspired snack makes a refreshing treat on a hot summer day.


  • Lime sherbet
  • Green decorators' gel
  • Junior Mints
  • Green gummy ring candy


Sherbet the Frog - Step 1

1. To make one, set a scoop of lime sherbet on a small green paper plate (trim the plate to resemble a lily pad first, if you like).

Sherbet the Frog - Step 2

2. Cut one green gummy ring candy into quarters and place the four pieces under the sherbet scoop for feet.

Sherbet the Frog - Step 3

3. Set a Junior Mint candy and half a gummy ring in place for each eye. Finally, add a green decorators' gel mouth and nostrils.
