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Red, White & Blueberry Freeze Pops Recipe

Red, White & Blueberry Freeze Pops Recipe

Sweet, cool and healthy, these fruity, frozen pops are great pick-me-ups between summertime games.


  • 10 (5-oz.) plastic or paper cups
  • 1 quart raspberry juice
  • 10 Popsicle sticks
  • 1 pint frozen vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries


  1. Assemble the cups on a cookie tray. Pour an inch of raspberry juice into each cup, then place the tray in the freezer. When the juice is partially frozen, set a Popsicle stick in the center of each cup and let the juice freeze solid.
  2. Pour 1 cup of water into a blender. Add 4 large scoops of frozen vanilla yogurt and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour an inch of the vanilla mix on top of the frozen raspberry juice layer in each cup and freeze again.
  4. Once the vanilla layer sets, blend 1 cup of water, the blueberries and a large scoop of frozen vanilla yogurt. Spoon the blueberry mix into the cups. Freeze overnight.
  5. To serve, dip each cup into a bowl of warm water for an instant. The pop should slide out easily. Serves 10.
