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Mini Book Cupcake Recipe

Mini Book Cupcake Recipe

This cool cupcake is the perfect treat to cap off your child's first day of school.


  • White frosting
  • Black gel
  • Fig Newton
  • Small Hershey bar square or Candy Blox
  • Green fruit leather leaf
  • Red candy Runts apple


  1. First spread a layer of white frosting on a cooled cupcake. Use black gel frosting to decorate a Fig Newton to resemble a schoolbook and place it on top of the cupcake.
  2. For a calculator, add gel icing buttons to the smooth side of a small Hershey bar square or Candy Blox. (You can even add an extra piece of candy for the calculator's display screen.)
  3. Finally, use a drop of water to stick a green fruit leather leaf to a red candy Runts apple, and set it in place on the cupcake.
