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Kid-Quote Cards | Toddler Crafts

Kid-Quote Cards

Total Time Needed: 30 Minutes or less

Ages: 2-1/2 years and up

Little kids say the darndest things, and with these sweet note cards you can share those "out of the mouths of babes" moments with family and friends. The simple design lets the words speak for themselves.

We found these cool cards on the blog, written by Amy Karol, a Portland, Oregon, author and mom of three. Her latest book is "Bend the Rules with Fabric: Fun Sewing Projects with Stencils, Stamps, Dye, Photo Transfers, Silk-screening, and More."


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Card stock (optional)
  • Blank card


  1. Print your child's quote, including his name and age, then cut out the quote as shown.
  2. Glue it to the front of a blank card or back it with card stock first, as we did here.
