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Humpty Dumpty Beanbags | Homemade Doll Crafts

Humpty Dumpty Beanbags

Total Time Needed: Afternoon Or Evening

Like their fairy tale counterpart, these egg-faced beanbags, are destined for great falls. Once kids put together a few, they can line them up and knock them down.


  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Ruler
  • Felt
  • Fabric glue
  • Needle and thread
  • Popcorn kernels
  • Measuring cup
  • Fabric paint and brushes


  1. Cut out an egg-shaped paper pattern that measures approximately 6 inches high and 5 inches across at the widest point. Then use the pattern to cut out two felt egg shapes for the front and back of the beanbag.
  2. Glue together the front and back along the edges, leaving a 1 1/2-inch opening at the bottom (the wider end). To reinforce the glued seam, sew a running stitch 1/8 inch in from the edge.
  3. Pour about 1 cup of popcorn kernels into the egg through the opening. (Keep in mind that the beanbag will be easier to pose if you don't overstuff it.) Glue and stitch closed the opening.
  4. Make arms and legs using 5-inch felt strips. For fingers, fringe the ends of the arms. Form feet by tapering the ends of the legs. Glue the tops of the limbs to the back side of the egg. Cut out felt eyes, a nose and lips and glue them onto the face. Paint on eyebrows and freckles.
  5. Add accessories such as painting on a jersey, shorts and shoes. Or fashion a simple dress out of two 6- x 3-inch felt rectangles. Place one on top of the other and glue or stitch together the 3-inch side seams, leaving armholes near the upper edge. Slip the dress over the top of the egg and pull the arms through the openings. Paint on buttons and pockets.
  6. To craft a felt baseball cap, cut a 2 1/2-inch circle in half and glue together the two halves along the curved edges. This forms the top of the cap. For the visor, cut out a small half circle and glue the straight edge to the inside of the cap.
  7. Perch several beanbags along a bench or table edge and see who can knock down the most with three pitches of a soft rubber ball.
