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Hot Seat Cushions | Preschool Crafts for Kids

Hot Seat Cushions

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Show your team spirit with a set of colorful pennants that double as cushy bench warmers for those cold metal bleachers.


  • Gardener's kneeling pad (available at garden centers)


  • 14-by-8-inch piece of 1/2-inch-thick Fome-Cor (available at most art supply stores)
  • Acrylic paints or colored markers


1. If using Fome-Cor, cut a handhold in one end of it with a craft knife (a parent's job).

Hot Seat Cushions Variations

2. Then print on names or slogans with permanent colored markers or use acrylic paints to decorate the surface with an image of a rolling soccer ball, a team mascot, or any other sport symbol.
