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Holiday Craft: Festive Baby Clothes

Festive Baby Clothes

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

These sweet and oh-so-easy-to-make iron-on decals let your baby express her holiday spirit without uttering a word. Make them as gifts, to dress up a plain onesie, or simply to cover up stains on a well-loved top.


  • Iron-on adhesive (we like HeatnBond brand)
  • Decorative cotton fabric (washed and dried, if new)
  • Iron
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Ironed onesie or T-shirt (washed and dried, if new)


  1. Trim the iron-on adhesive to fit your piece of fabric.
  2. Iron the adhesive to the fabric according to the package directions.
  3. Draw or trace your design onto the adhesive's backing paper (cookie cutters and cutouts from coloring pages work well), then cut it out.
  4. Following the package directions, iron the design onto your onesie. When you're done, turn the onesie inside out and iron over the design once again to the adhesive.
  5. Wash the onesie inside out to preserve your design.
