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Handsome Tree Skirt | Christmas Display Ideas

Handsome Tree Skirt

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Adding new prints to this holiday floor cloth lets toddlers keep a hand in the annual tree-trimming festivities. Instead of tracing hands right on the skirt (tough with wiggly wee ones!), you make templates first - as many as necessary to get a good one. If you're coming to this craft a little late, consider using handprints from old craft projects as templates to create felt hands for earlier years.


  • 5-foot square of fleece or felt fabric
  • String
  • Chalk
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape and double-sided tape
  • Tacky glue
  • 6 yards of decorative trim
  • Paper and pencil
  • Felt in a contrasting color
  • Gold puffy paint


  1. To trim the fabric into a circle, first fold it into quarters. Tie a piece of string to the chalk and trim the string so it's slightly shorter than the side of the folded fabric. Tape the other end of the string to the center fold, then tape that corner to the floor. Now pull the string taut and use the chalk to draw an arc across the bottom of the fabric. Cut along this line, through all 4 layers.
  2. Unfold the fabric and cut an opening to accommodate the tree trunk. We used the roll of duct tape to trace a circle, then we cut it out and cut from the hole to the edge of the cloth.
  3. Use tacky glue to apply decorative trim to the edge of the skirt.
  4. For handprints: make templates by tracing each child's hands onto paper. Stick the templates to the contrasting felt with double-sided tape, then cut out the felt hands and have your child help glue them to the tree skirt. Add kids' names and the date with gold puffy paint.
