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Father's Day Craft: Father's Day Throne

Father's Day Throne

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Transform a lawn chair into a throne that literally puts within his reach everything he needs to be king for a day.


  • Lawn chair
  • Clamps, tape, or string
  • Wire
  • Scissors
  • Various chair accessories


  1. Use tape, clamps, or string to attach appropriate accessories, from a shade umbrella to a back scratcher to a cold drink holder.
  2. Fashion a halo made of wire to hold Dad's favorite hat or crown and attach it to the back of the chair.
  3. Include a bell for Dad to ring for service.


Add items like: clip-on fan, back scratcher, plastic snap-on cup holders, newpaper, foot soaking tub, travel pillow, beaded driver's seat cover, mini pool table or basketball hoop, red carpet (towel), or slippers.
