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Dotty Toadstool | Fantasy Costumes

Dotty Toadstool

Total Time Needed: Weekend Project

Part of a woodland crew, this Dotty Toadstool's cap is created from a child's sombrero fattened up with bubble packaging.


  • Glue gun
  • Glue sticks
  • Broad-brimmed straw hat (we used a child's sombrero)
  • 1 yard of white felt
  • 1 yard of red fabric
  • Fabric measuring tape
  • Large-bubble bubble packaging (we used a 15- by 1-foot piece)
  • Duct tape


  • White clothes and shoes


Dotty Toadstool - Step 2

1. Apply glue all over the underside of the hat brim. Lay the brim glue-side down on the felt and press it firmly to bond. Trim the excess fabric [A]. Cut away the fabric from the head hole.

2. Measure the hat from one edge of the brim, up over the crown, and down to the far edge. Cut a circle from the red fabric with a diameter equal to this measurement plus 6 inches.

Dotty Toadstool - Step 3

3. Fill in the area around the crown with bubble packaging to make a toadstool shape, securing it with duct tape [B]. (We made balls to fill in around the brim, then topped them with flat pieces.)

Dotty Toadstool - Step 4

4. Center the hat upside down on the red fabric circle. Pull the fabric up over the edge of the brim, gluing it as shown to make even gathers [C].

Dotty Toadstool: Step 5

5. Cut the remaining white felt into 30 to 40 circles, from 1K to 4 inches in diameter. Glue the circles onto the toadstool cap in a random pattern. Have your child try on the cap. If it's too wobbly, glue white-felt strips to the inner hatband until it fits securely.
