Total Time Needed: 1 Hour
Colorful electrical and duct tapes make crafting these wilt-proof blooms a cinch.
- Pipe cleaner
- Green electrical tape
- Duct tape
- Contrasting color of duct tape
- Waxed or parchment paper (click here for tips on choosing)
- Green duct tape
1. For each flower, wrap a pipe cleaner with green electrical tape, leaving an inch or so at one end uncovered.
2. Fold a 9-inch piece of duct tape in half, sticky sides together. Fold the tape in half again and cut a teardrop shape, keeping the edge intact to create a figure eight. Repeat with 2 more strips of tape.
3. Stack the petals and secure them by wrapping the uncovered end of the pipe cleaner around their centers. Fan out the petals and add a small piece of tape at the back to hold them in place.
4. Stick a contrasting color of duct tape onto waxed or parchment paper and cut out a 1/2-inch circle. Peel away the backing and stick the circle in the center of the petals.
5. For a leaf, fold a 6-inch piece of green duct tape in half with a 2 1/2- by 1/2-inch strip of waxed or parchment paper sandwiched between the ends. Cut a leaf shape, then remove the paper from the base of the leaf and wrap it around the pipe cleaner stem.