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Card Carrier | Valentine's Tote Crafts

Card Carrier

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

Once all the notes have been signed, sealed, and delivered, your child can use this pretty paper satchel to tote home all the messages she's received.


  • Tape or glue
  • Craft knife
  • Craft foam or construction paper


Card Carrier

1. To make a valentine carrier, start with the 2 sheets of decorative scrapbook paper. Cut a 1-inch-wide strip from a short end of one of the sheets and set it aside. Then tape or glue together the 2 sheets at their short ends, overlapping the papers by about 1⁄2 inch. Once the glue has dried, fold the papers as shown, creating an 8-inch flap and a 4-inch flap, then trim the smaller flap to a point.

2. To make a closure, unfold the envelope and use a craft knife to cut 2 horizontal 11⁄4-inch slits in the front panel as shown, then refold the envelope and glue a small craft foam or construction paper heart between the slits. Cut the 1-inch-wide strip in two, then glue one half to the underside of the top flap and trim it to a point.

3. Finally, seal the sides of the larger flap with glue to create a pouch and let all the glue dry completely.
