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Maple Syrup Frosting Recipe

Maple Syrup Frosting Recipe

A delicious maple frosting that's pretty too.


  • 1 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2-4 tbls. maple syrup
  • food coloring (red and yellow)
  • Sugar Cookie Recipe


Combine the confectioners' sugar with the vanilla extract in a medium-size bowl.

Whisk in 2 to 4 tablespoons of maple syrup, a little at a time until the mixture reaches a spreadable consistency.

Maple Syrup Frosting - Step 3

Divide the frosting among 3 small bowls or coffee mugs.

Maple Syrup Frosting - Yellow

Stir in food coloring, 1 to 2 drops at a time, to tint one batch red, another one yellow, and the last one orange.

Maple Syrup Frosting - Orange

Now your child can spread the colored frosting on the cookies, then let the frosting set before enjoying them.
