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Halloween Recipes: Carrot Finger Food Appetizer

Carrot Finger Food

Hungry goblins will love getting their hands on these crunchy carrot snacks.


  • vegetable dip
  • 4 long carrots
  • 1 medium carrot
  • softened cream cheese
  • sliced-almond
  • baby carrots


To prepare them, just fill a serving bowl with your favorite vegetable dip. Wash and peel 4 long carrots for fingers and 1 medium carrot for a thumb.

With a paring knife (a parent's job), cut a flat, shallow notch in the tip of each carrot. Then use a dab of dip or softened cream cheese to glue a sliced-almond fingernail atop each notch.

Stick the fingers in the dip, as shown, and serve with plenty of peeled baby carrots for dipping.
