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Halloween Costumes: Busy, Busy Bug Catcher Costume

Busy, Busy Bug Catcher

Total Time Needed: 2-3 Hours

For a taste of art imitating life, slip on this simple adult costume -- ideal for chasing kids, of course!


  • 1 1/2 square yards of netting or tulle
  • Brimmed hat
  • Hot-glue gun
  • Plastic bugs
  • Butterfly net
  • One-piece painter's coveralls (about $8 at home improvement and paint stores)


Center the netting over the hat. Hot glue 3 or 4 bugs to it so that the netting is sandwiched between the critters and the hat (this will hold the netting in place). Glue a few more bugs around the netting to weigh it down.

Busy, Busy Bug Catcher  - Step 2

Glue bugs onto the butterfly net and the coveralls.
