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Birdseed Biscuit

Birdseed Biscuit

Total Time Needed: 1 Hour

To encourage birds to visit your yard, try hanging a homemade birdseed biscuit. You might want to keep an eye out for feathered friends on Valentine's Day; the 2010 Great Backyard Bird Count is February 12-15, when people across the country spend 15 minutes or more taking stock of the birds in their towns. For tips, tally sheets, and a list of events, go to


  • 3/4 cup of birdseed
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • Water
  • Cookie cutter
  • Oil
  • Foil
  • Cookie sheet
  • Straw
  • Ribbon


Our recipe makes two 3-inch biscuits (one is shown here) or a single 4-inch biscuit. Mix together the birdseed, flour, and 2 tablespoons of water.

Birdseed Biscuit - Step 2Spray or wipe a cookie cutter with oil and place it on a foil-covered cookie sheet. Pack the mixture into the cutter, inserting half a straw near the top to create a hole for hanging.

Bake the biscuit (with the straw) in a 170ยบ oven until the biscuit is hard, about one hour. Let it cool.

Remove the straw, thread a ribbon through the hole, and hang it outside in a sheltered spot.
